Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chp. 1 Mission Statement

H&M's purpose is to offer their customers fashion and quality at the best price. H&M states numerous of times that quality is more than making sure that products meet or exceed their customers expectations. H&M is constantly working to better their products by manufacturing under good working conditions, and with limited impact on the environment. H&M takes responsibility for how their operations affect people and the environment which is key for their profit and growth.

H&M is committed to integrating social and enviornmental concerns into all their business operations and investing in the communities. This company has a lot of great things going on such as charitable organizations both globally and locally. Some of the global organizations include: UNICEF, WaterAid, Hand in Hand and Fashion Against Aids. In the US, they work with Making Strides for the American Cancer Society in multiple cities to help raise funds for breast cancer research and with the Boys and Girls Club of America.
CHP.1 Mission Statement


  1. thank you this information was really helpful.

  2. Environmental is misspelled. It's okay, no one is perfect. :)
